To stream our videos, you should be using a supported device (see below) at the minimum recommended internet connection speed.
Supported Devices
Desktop and Laptop Computers
Use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers.
Apple TV
tvOS 6.2.1 or higher.
How do I watch Yoga Anytime using Apple TV?
iOS 9.0 or higher. Download at the App Store.
How do I watch Yoga Anytime using an iPhone or iPad?
iOS 9.0 or higher. Download at the App Store.
How do I watch Yoga Anytime using an iPhone or iPad?
Android 5.0 and higher. Download at the Google Play store
How do I watch Yoga Anytime using an Android device?
Roku devices manufactured 2011 and later.
How do I watch Yoga Anytime on my TV using Roku?
A recent version of the Chrome browser
How do I watch Yoga Anytime on my TV using Chromecast?
Devices We Do Not Support
We do not support Smart TV browsers, Wii, TiVo, Xfinity, Sony PlayStation, or Sony Media player devices. Although Yoga Anytime can sometimes work on those devices, we have found that the quality offered through them is not up to our standards.
Internet Connection Speed Recommendations
The minimum download bandwidth we suggest for streaming videos is 25 Mbps.
Manage Bandwidth Usage
Higher-quality video uses more bandwidth than lower-quality video. If your service provider applies a bandwidth or data cap to your internet service, you can:
- Use the iOS or Android app to download videos on your device
- Change the video quality settings to Low or Medium to consume less data
Check Your Connection Speed
If you are using a mobile device or computer, please visit to test your connection speed.
Once the test is complete, ensure that your speed meets our internet speed recommendations above.
If your connection is slower than you expect, try troubleshooting connection issues to help improve your speed.